Here are validations you can added to your inputs:
Name | Description | Valid for |
Required | Makes the element required | text inputs, selects, checkboxes and radio buttons |
Makes the element require a valid email | text inputs | |
URL | Makes the element require a valid url | text inputs |
DateISO | Makes the element require an ISO date | text inputs |
Number | Makes the element require a decimal number | text inputs |
Digits | Makes the element require digits only | text inputs |
Minlength | Makes the element require a given minimum length | text inputs, selects and checkboxes |
Maxlength | Makes the element require a given maximum length | text inputs, selects and checkboxes |
Rangelength | Makes the element require a given value range | text inputs, selects and checkboxes |
Min | Makes the element require a given minimum | text inputs |
Max | Makes the element require a given maximum | text inputs |
Range | Makes the element require a given value range | text inputs |
Step | Makes the element require a given step | text inputs, number and range |
Equalto | Requires the element to be the same as another one |
Tip: You can combine as many validations as needed. Form will validate fields once user clicks on 'Calculate' button.