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JOOMLA 4.x Download Joomla 4 version Steps to add your calculator to your Joomla pages Ad...
How to configure Users & Profiles plugin?
Users and Profiles With this plugin you can create a login access to your calculator page, in th...
Adding tabs to your form page
In order to add a tab widget to your page you only need to name at the excel file the different s...
Select Linked
Select linked is a special kind of combobox. It automatically reloads its options depending on ot...
Select your cell and set it as input type select using the right menu. Sheet: Select the S...
Can I add charts as 'result' of the calculator?
Yes, (only Pro plan). At your spreadsheet you need to set one different 'name' to each chart. Onc...
Where to start to build a calculator?
Once you have your spreadsheet ready, access Calculators->New calculator. Give it a name, and ...
BMI Example
This is an example, step by step, about how to build a BMI calculator based on a working spreadsh...
What is the 'domain/allowed domains' input field for?
We are going to restrict your calculators to your websites. Even if someone 'copies' from your pa...
Select your cell and set it as input type time using the right menu.
Select your cell and set it as input type date using the right menu.
Select your cell and set it as input type datetime using the right menu.
Select Multiple
Select your cell and set it as input type select multiple using the right menu. ...
Select your cell and set it as input type number using the right menu. Include controls: Che...
Select your cell and set it as input type text using the right menu. Value: Set the Value ...