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JOOMLA 4.x Download Joomla 4 version Steps to add your calculator to your Joomla pages Ad...

Revision #9
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 1 year ago by Moonsoft

How to configure Users & Profiles plugin?

Users and Profiles With this plugin you can create a login access to your calculator page, in th...

Revision #4
Created 3 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 3 years ago by Moonsoft
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How to configure dynamic/dependant option lists

Revision #1
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft
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Adding option lists to your form

Revision #1
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft
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Adding Tabs to your form page

Revision #1
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft
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Adding tabs to your form page

In order to add a tab widget to your page you only need to name at the excel file the different s...

Revision #2
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Calculator creation
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Select Linked

Select linked is a special kind of combobox. It automatically reloads its options depending on ot...

Revision #6
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft


Select your cell and set it as input type select using the right menu. Sheet: Select the S...

Revision #7
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft

Can I add charts as 'result' of the calculator?

Yes, (only Pro plan). At your spreadsheet you need to set one different 'name' to each chart. Onc...

Revision #2
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Calculator creation
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Adding a graph chart to calculator

Revision #1
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft
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How to convert spreadsheet into web page

Revision #2
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft
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Where to start to build a calculator?

Once you have your spreadsheet ready, access Calculators->New calculator. Give it a name, and ...

Revision #4
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Calculator creation
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BMI Example

This is an example, step by step, about how to build a BMI calculator based on a working spreadsh...

Revision #66
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft
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What is the 'domain/allowed domains' input field for?

We are going to restrict your calculators to your websites. Even if someone 'copies' from your pa...

Revision #2
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Calculator creation
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Select your cell and set it as input type time using the right menu.

Revision #3
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft


Select your cell and set it as input type date using the right menu.

Revision #3
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft


Select your cell and set it as input type datetime using the right menu.

Revision #5
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft

Select Multiple

Select your cell and set it as input type select multiple using the right menu. ...

Revision #4
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft


Select your cell and set it as input type number using the right menu. Include controls: Che...

Revision #12
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft


Select your cell and set it as input type text using the right menu. Value: Set the Value ...

Revision #28
Created 5 years ago by Moonsoft
Updated 5 years ago by Moonsoft
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